So, I'm stuck in coach as I always am, especially in Delta as you are lucky to be #62 on the upgrade list for the measly 2 open seats in Business nowadays.
The crew is actually nice but everyone is so packed in that the gentleman next to me (and I don't use that term loosely, he really is a gentleman) can't help but sometimes having his leg touch my leg and I don't realize it till my leg feels all clammy.
And this is only May. It is going to get a lot worse with the heat/humidity in ATL. Denver is luckily still anywhere from 50-70 degrees most days.
And we had snow this week. Snow in May! wow.
Well, this plane pretty much stinks as in the seats are too close, you can hardly use your laptop because there is almost not enough room (if the guy in front of me reclines I'll have to put away laptop) and they have the old fashioned tvs that fall from the overhead. As far as amenities go, it is pretty lame but I actually prefer it that way. As I can ignore it better and get some things done.
Going back to the gentleman: he offered to sit in the middle because my kind of rude neighbor who was in the middle seat sort of bullied him into switching with her so she could work. Now she's sitting there cackling watching the New Adventures of Old Christine and not working at all.
Makes me realize that I bet I act like her a lot and it is ugly, nasty and negative. :( I am going to try to remember her and not act like that, to anyone, ever.
A bit later in the journey, the gentleman next to me wanted to get up to go to the bathroom. I am working on this computer so I just grab the computer while open and grab my ipod and headphones and pull them to my sizable chest, stand up, and let him by.
Well, unbeknownst to me, and no idea how I did it, I somehow turned the screen sideways.
You know how you can rotate the screen on your phone and then rotate it back just by turning it (and I guess the new IPad too??) Well, this is NOT an IPad and it did not rotate back no matter what I did.
Mr. Gentleman tried to help but to no avail.
I had a couple of co-workers on the flight so took my laptop to the nearest. Well, this certainly was a new puzzle to him too. Luckily for me, the man behind him could see my screen, hear the story and knew how to fix it. It was hidden in the advanced settings of the display of the computer. Again, I have no idea how anyone could have done this by accident, but if it can happen, it can happen to me. It is ironic really as I'm supposed to work with computers and all I can really do is freak them out, always unintentionally.
If anyone ever needs a computer or whole network to act like a monstrous solar flare just zapped it from less than 10 feet away, give me a call. I am definitely for rent!
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